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Application [13 Jul 2009|01:22am]
Player (nickname, handle)/ LJ: Beth

Email: emadonna04@uniy.edu

AIM (if you have one): chappaiguardian

Character Name: Daniel Sherwood (Weaving Wizard)

Character LJ (if applicable):[info]weavingwizard

Physical description (face, build, weight): Daniel is a medium sized young man with an average build, brown hair, and blue eyes. He is often seen wearing wire framed glasses. He wears long sleeves and tends to dress in either very old world robes because he thinks they're comfortable or suits. When he does casual he likes to wear layers. He will on very rare occasions dress down though if he is asked nicely. The most remarkable thing about him are his ears that taper off into a point. His ears have been like that since he was born.

Age 19
PB: (If using one.) Marshall Allman

Abilities: Daniel is a wizard. He inherited his gifts as a magic user from both of his parents most of his power comes from hours of pouring over books and creative thought. If he has enough time he can do alot of things but what he's best at is calling fourth things from nature. Plants and earth respond to him strongly and it's almost as if they want to boost his own magical strength since if he is in contact with them he'll appear stronger.

Weaknesses and flaws: He's terrified of the Wild Hunt. Faeries and other things close to that make him nervous. The taint of death magic makes him ill. He can't stand a lady in distress and will do anything to protect them from harm.

Character location/Home: New York, Bronx

Alignment (villain, hero etc) Hero/Avengers
Relatives (living/dead?): Franklin Sherwood (Father, biological living)
, Shela Sherwood(biological mother, dead)

Backstory: Many years ago Shela made a deal with a faerie to help conceive a child with her husband. She wanted a baby of her own but knew she was barren. The faerie agreed since it might be able to one day trick the one day mage to work for him.

Frank was trilled to have a son. He didn't have enough magical ability to notice their son wasn't conceived normally. Shela never told him about what she did to gain their child. He was never to know but that didn't last.

The Faerie decided to claim the child early on when it saw that Daniel's ear were pointed. It tried to take Daniel but failed when Shela died to protect her son. That was how Daniel learned about magic.

He learned how to dodge the crafty offers from the faerie and he was taught to use magic by his father. They largely led a normal life outside of magic except...Daniel never liked to dress normally. He could at least be talked into pants in public instead of robes. He could never explain why robes felt more comfortable, they just were.

Then he turned seventeen and discovered he liked helping people. He was able to scare some men off of a girl who didn't want to be bothered and it went from there. He operated on his own for a long time but then he's been having trouble with his magic. He's been having terrible night mares about central Park coming alive and eating him. The plants he is used to seeing as allies are reacting strangely to him too.

How do you plan to introduce the character to the game?: He decides to seek out the Scarlet Witch for help because he thinks he needs more magical training to deal with plants and the earth turning against him.
What are you planning to do with this character? He'll figure out how to stay in harmony with his 'focuses' and find a way to stay away from faeries. He will also decide to join the Young Avengers as magical support.
What do you want to see happen with this character?: Join the Avengers, fight crime, help people.

Sample post: This was the fourth tine the dirt tried to swallow him up. The sixth time he saw a tree move to attack him. This was madness.

He decided to hide inside. They couldn't get him in here.

Only he wasn't inside. He was in the park. The dirt was sucking him in.

He screamed. Then he woke up in a pool of sweat. This was horrible. He had to do something or else his own magic might tear him apart to protect himself from harm.

But for the most part he was sure it was all in his head.
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