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The plague of religion
Why religion is evil and ridiculous. Why it should disappear and why it will.
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Atheism is also a religion. You believe in the non-existence of god. You can't prove god doesn't exist.

Yes, atheism is a religion, but without a church, without even an organization, without rules, without altar boys, without a pope, without things to believe in for no reason at all and most importantly without a made up god.

Ah, I "believe" in the non-existence of god. Note that theists will suddenly use the qualification "believe" in the sense of "you just believe it but you can't be sure". At the same time they are right, just because they happen to believe so. When applied to us atheists, belief is suddenly something ridiculous, naive and credulous. It is not even the case. I just ask: where is your proof? At least give me some evidence. Don't ramble on about your god and your storybook in ever more preposterous circles.

They collect stamps. I don't see the particular excitement of collecting stamps. You're also a collector, they say. Of non-stamps.

No, I can't prove there isn't such a being as a god. Neither can I prove that invisible pink unicorns don't exist or that they didn't create the world by accidentally bumping into each other. Ridiculous? Let me ask you: do you know everything? No? I thought so. How can you really be sure that they don't exist? You can't. That's not even the point. The question is how likely is it? Both the pink invisible unicorns and the Abrahamic god have about as much likelihood of existing as if you were to go out now, buy a lottery ticket and win the grand prize. And buying another one the next day and again win the grand prize. And so on for all the remaining days of your life. Theoretically it could happen, but how likely is it? Don't count on it for your retirement plan is my advice.

agressive and obnoxious reaction of religious people when found out

The cartoon above — not mine; it's floating around the Internet — is very clear. Maybe I should add that I myself make no claim whatsoever of having or not having a baseball. I owe no explanation. I don't have to prove anything. Those who claim to have a baseball, however, most certainly do.

So theists, quit your whining, your aggressive and obnoxious insistence upon your made up god and most of all, don't try to force your barbaric, cruel rules as substitutes for decent morals upon us, sane people.

Show us your balls.

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Believe nothing
Gautam Buddha believe nothing

“Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do not believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumored by many. Do not believe in anything simply because it is found written in your religious books. Do not believe in anything merely on the authority of your teachers and elders. Do not believe in traditions because they have been handed down for many generations. But after observation and analysis, when you find that anything agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all, then accept it and live up to it.”

~ Gautama Buddha

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You have no right
Christianity imposes its supertitious belief upon others

“You have no right to erect your tollgate upon the highways of thought. You have no right to leap from the hedges of superstition and strike down the pioneers of the human race. You have no right to sacrifice the liberties of man upon the alters of ghosts. Believe what you may; preach what you desire; have all forms and ceremonies you please; exercise your liberty in your own way but extend to all others the same right.”

~ Robert G. Ingersoll

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Clitoris or Islam?
young women protesting against backward islamuc attitudes of muslim males

It has been brought to my attention that I'm not so much against religion as a Christianity basher.

I assure you nothing could be further from the truth: I'm an equal opportunity religion basher. Really, I find them all vile, detrimental, nefarious and devoid of any redeeming quality. In fact, I think they are all growing pains — here's looking at you, kid, yes, you Kirk Cameron, you lying has-been-cutie — of the human race. Whenever we will have rid ourselves of these brutal superstitions we will have entered young adulthood as a species.

So, to prove my point, here's a picture of a young woman protesting the cruelty inspired by male insecurity and translated into that other ridiculous pile of backward garbage: Islam.

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light comes from touching the genitals of Jesus

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Biblical values
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A bloody good read
Bible, a primitive book responsible for cruelty and evil

“Read it as you would any other book; think of it as you would of any other; get the bandage of reverence from your eyes; drive from your heart the phantom of fear; push from the throne of your brain the cowled form of superstition — then read the Holy Bible, and you will be amazed that you ever, for one moment, supposed a being of infinite wisdom, goodness, and purity to be the author of such ignorance and of such atrocity.”

~ Robert G. Ingersoll

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No taste
religion is like photoshop taking things that are not real to make them seem believable.

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Religion can't hear you
Religious person putting fingers in ears  to avoid hearing the truth

"Every day the voice of atheism grows louder, more confident, backed by ever increasing evidence, reason and logic. Every day the religious respond by sticking their fingers in their ears and shouting “La! La! La! La! La!"

~ Alan Harvey

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Just say no
Name: Weston
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