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The plague of religion
Why religion is evil and ridiculous. Why it should disappear and why it will.
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Oh, a factless, baseless, frequently falsified, mistranslated and fallible 5000 year old story book written by desert savages tells you. That makes all the difference. Want to try again maybe?

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Rule 666
If it exists, Christians have raped it, tortured it, murdered it or lied about it.

No exceptions.

~ Weston Lockley

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light comes from touching the genitals of Jesus

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Biblical values
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Just say no
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Criminal becomes insane
Yesterday, Joseph Ratzinger, a liar, child rapist protector and hate monger who ignorantly endangers countless lives, has added a new absurdity to his long, long list of inanities.

It is to be feared he has become completely insane.

As usual, the silly old fool, abusing an invitation, brought his message of hate and intolerance. Some Christians have whined that Britain should receive the pope with civility and as an honored guest. OK, but the first prerequisite for that is that your guest behaves with a modicum of decency and doesn't call his hosts, who have paid for his costly trip, Nazis.

In a speech, and miraculously keeping a straight face, this blatant liar and slanderer raped history. Well, better history than minors, I suppose.

"Even in our own lifetime, we can recall how Britain and her leaders stood against a Nazi tyranny that wished to eradicate God from society and denied our common humanity to many, especially the Jews, who were thought unfit to live."

Ah, yes, the Jews and homosexuals and gypsies and communists. With some of these groups Ratzinger himself has a few problems. Maybe he even thinks that in this instance the Nazis had the right idea and that they are indeed unfit to live. You know, old habits die hard. After all, the Roman Catholic church used to cruelly torture and murder gays and all kinds of dissidents without the least pity.

But, eradicate your god? I don't think so. Both Hitler and Mussolini were staunch defenders of Roman Catholicism of which Ratzinger is the current pope.

"I also recall the regime’s attitude to Christian pastors and religious who spoke the truth in love, opposed the Nazis and paid for that opposition with their lives."

Another bald faced lie. The Nazi regime was supported by the pope, the cardinals, the clergy and most Roman Catholics. Granted there were a few, a very few exceptions, but generally speaking Nazism and Catholicism were on great terms. In earlier posts I gave some evidence for that and it is literally plastered all over the internet, but for good measure I'll give some visual evidence.

Jozef Ratzinger Benedict XVI in Nazi Luftwaffe uniform
Jozef Ratzinger, the later Benedict XVI, standing up
against Nazi tyranny in his Nazi Luftwaffe uniform

Priests Nazi salute
Priests expressing their disgust for the Nazi regime by bringing the Nazi salute

Herman Goering Adolf Hitler Wedding
Atheist Adolf Hitler witnessing
atheist Hermann Goering's wedding as best man in Berlin cathedral

Hitler and Roman Catholic cardinal
Roman Catholic cardinal endangering his life
heroically fighting Adolf Hitler in person

Adolf Hitler and papal nuncio Orsenigo
Adolf Hitler trembling while papal nuncio cardinal Orsenigo
speaks the truth in love to him at the peril of his life

Shield of the Nazi Luftwaffe
Shield of the atheist Nazi Luftwaffe

Nazi belt buckle
Atheist belt buckle the atheist Nazi regime forced every soldier to wear
"As we reflect on the sobering lessons of the atheist extremism of the twentieth century, let us never forget how the exclusion of God, religion and virtue from public life leads ultimately to a truncated vision of man and of society and thus to a “reductive vision of the person and his destiny”.

Except, Ratzinger, statistics and scientific research contradict you. It is the most secular nations that are the happiest, have the fewest abortions, though they are legal there, teenage pregnancies and incidences of rape. Actually: if you don't want your children to be raped, you'd better move out of Christian neighborhoods, and, most of all, keep them out of the claws of Catholic predatory priests.

It is religion that has always been an insult to human dignity. It is Roman Catholicism that has tortured people, murdered them and generally tried to keep them ignorant and poor, because it is a vile superstition, inimical to life since it focuses upon an imagined afterlife.

Some Catholic person wrote on the BBC News website Have Your Say  (comment #1294)

"I was taught as a child that often when people insult and belittle it is more of a reflection on their weaknesses, than a comment on the people they insult. This adage has been proven only too true if the comments on this site from those against religion,are anything to go by. I would urge them to follow another rule from my childhood; if you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all."

She had better written to Ratzinger. If any insulting and belittling was done, it was by him. I agree, however, that it is a reflection on his weakness.

But on the whole I think Ratzinger is doing great.

He lied and continues lying about the rape of minors in his unholy institution, about AIDS prevention, and now he has lied about Adolf Hitler being an atheist, while actually he was a Roman Catholic. Everybody knows that the Catholic Church collaborated with the fascist regime of Mussolini. It is in fact why Vatican City is a state, marginally less ridiculous than Disneyland, and why he is received today as a head of state instead of being arrested as the criminal that he is.

His preposterous lies have taken on such dimensions that we can hope there will come a day nobody will take him or his crime gang serious anymore. He is singlehandedly destroying a two thousand year old outrage. It's almost like watching a train wreck. Very good.

As Napoleon Bonaparte said: "Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake."

And another. And another.

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Where did you come from?
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The church loves kids... too much
kids raped by the catholic church cartoon

The catholic church: raping the minds and bodies of kids and still having the arrogance to pretend to teach you what is right or wrong.

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Objective moral sandwich
Some people seem to think we need so called objective moral values.

I wonder where they get that idea? I also wonder where they would get those so called objective values?

I think moral values will always be relative to human understanding. Our best chances lie in good education and trying to better the general living conditions. Rich people don't fight as much. Not themselves anyway.

The Golden Rule seems to be a good point to start: "Treat others like you would want to be treated yourself." Or one of the variations. Or even Weston's Iron Corollary: "Try not to be too much of a dick." Add some logic and humanistic values and you're on your way.

Christians seem to think that the Bible is the source of moral values. I sure hope not, what with all the slavery, smiting of innocent children, human sacrifices and other disgusting, horrible stuff the insecure tribal desert deity of that book seems to insist upon.

What a weird idea to try to get your moral values from barbarians out of the Bronze Age. Oh, christians will tell you, that was the Old Testament. The objective, eternal moral values were revised in the New Testament. The Bible 2.0. The eternal, objective moral values in that part are totally different from the objective, eternal values in that other part. They are also somewhat more humane. Which seems logical, as humanity had progressed some three thousand years between the writing of the two.

But in that addendum to the immutable moral values, the spokesperson seems to say that all the laws and regulations of the Old Testament are still very valid. And even the New Testament is some two thousand years old by now. Isn't it time for a new version? The Bible 3.0? The Latest Testament?

Or are we such a sorry lot that we haven't learned anything in those two millennia?

Actually, the so called objective moral values are nothing of the kind. They are just a reflection of how a sourpuss, aggressive dictator with stomach ulcers would try to keep a backward, primitive and violent tribe in check.

The rules are furthermore confusing, often downright ridiculous, cruel and absurd. They tend to be self-contradictory as well.

Actually, the Bible is a gigantic moral salad bar and not only the more than 33,800 christian sects, but practically all christians, just fill their plate with the bits they find most tasty.

The Bible as bad source of moral values

Let's face it: as a source of moral values the Bible stinks.

And do you really need it?

If I have two sandwiches and across the table sits someone who hasn't eaten in three days and has no sandwich, is it really that hard to figure out what I should do?

Does it really matter that maybe he was too lazy, too stupid or just too unlucky to get his own sandwich?

I will give him one of my two sandwiches.

It will prevent unnecessary aggression. It will prevent him trying to mug me to steal my sandwiches. He will probably see that two people, two sandwiches, each a sandwich, is a fair solution to his own problems.

But actually, that's not even it.

I just won't be able to enjoy my sandwich with someone sitting at the other side of the table, looking on with saliva running out of his mouth and stomach aches from being hungry.

And even that is not it.

It just is the right thing to do. Somebody is hungry. I have the means to do something about it. So I do it.

That isn't difficult, is it?

I don't need some ancient collection of reprehensible desert stories to tell me that. I don't need some savage, bloodthirsty dictator with a penchant for torture to scare me into doing that. And it doesn't exactly make you respectable in my eyes if you do.

Yes, I might like to keep my second sandwich for myself.

I doubt however that I will go hungry.

I'll feast on the look in his eyes.

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The stupid, it burns holes
Christianity Hole

I know, it's an old one. Worth posting again though.

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Name: Weston
Back August 2011
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