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Rest In Peace [06 Jan 2009|08:01am]
I always joked about it, but I never actually wanted it to happen...

Janine was laid off today, along with a number of other employees in the SF office of LJ, Inc. She has the rest of the week to work and then she's done. They are giving her no severance package and gave her no advance warning of the layoffs. It's rather atrocious.

The first thought I had, and Janine's as well, was: our wedding is only a few months away, between that and our honeymoon, how much are we going to have to cut out? We'll make it work, sure, but still.


Slight change of topic: Dreamwidth.

In the past few months I haven't felt a strong need for an alternative to LJ. SUP was a mystical entity in far-off Russia that didn't seem to cause any problems that I could see. Tupshin as an engineering manager was doing a great job and was active in the open source end of things, which was great. So Dreamwidth fell to a back burner and slowly simmered.

Today, upon finding out that SUP has decided to smash that... well, it puts a renewed emphasis on Dreamwidth. A really strong emphasis.

What exactly does this mean for DW? Let's find out!
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[ viewing | January 6th, 2009 ]
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