Storscrom's shitty fucking icons' Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
Storscrom's shitty fucking icons

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More icons [24 Dec 2008|08:30pm]
[ mood | blah ]

[21] ICONS
11 Code Geass (Some icons are NSFW.)
9 Transformers
1 Misc (Iren Maens)

1.) All icons without text are bases and may be customized. Hell, customize any of them, I don't care.
2.) Please comment! You don't have to, but it'd make me smile. :) As long as the comments are friendly. :);;;
3.) Credit is not mandatory, but it'd be nice!
4.) Posts may be x-posted to various other sites. If you wish to comment, you can do so via anon or, if you have one, as your Scribbld username. Add your LJ/IJ/etc whatever in your comment so maybe I can see it later and go "d'awww that's mah bebe." Or merely comment on the post where I linked you.

badabing badaboom )

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[ viewing | December 24th, 2008 ]
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