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Torunn Thorsdottir

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[25 Feb 2010|01:05am]
Player (nickname, handle)/ LJ: Allie
AIM (if you have one): awesomelymusical or hearts0fwinter
Character Name: Torunn Thorsdottir
Character LJ (if applicable): [info]young_asgardian
Physical description (face, build, weight): Torunn is about 6'0" (and still growing), and weighs around 350 lbs. She has a very strong, muscular build, with long blonde hair and blue eyes.
Age: 17
Birthday: Summer
PB: Anna Kournikova
Torrun possess the standard Asgardian powerset, which includes-

Super Strength: Torunn can lift up to about twenty tons.

Superhuman Durability: Torunn's tissues are harder and more resistant to injury than any humans. She is resistant to all diseases and has immunity from most poisons.

Superhuman Stamina: Like all Asgardians, Torunn's muscles produce less fatigue toxins during physical activity than those of a human, allowing her to operate at peak levels for longer levels of time.

Superhuman Longevity: While Torrun is not immortal in the same sense as other pantheons of gods, Torrun ages at a much slower rate than human beings. In order to retain her physical vigor as she gets older, though, Torrun must consume the Golden Apples of the goddess Idun, though she has yet to ingest any yet, due to her young age.

Regenerative Healing Factor: Though it is not easy to injure her, Torrun can be hurt. In the case that she is injured, Torunn's body tissues will heal and repair damage done to her body at an exceptionally faster rate than a human's, allowing her to recover from broken bones and damaged tissues with hours, depending on the severity of the injury. Extremely serious injuries, however, such as missing limbs, can only be healed through magic.

Superhumanly Dense Tissue: Torunn's skin, muscle, and bone tissues have three times the density of that of a human's being contributing some to her strength and weight.

Exceptionally Strong Will: Being a goddess, Torunn's will is much greater than that of a human being's, making her resistant to almost all manners of possession, mind control, and similar effects.

Flight: Though uncommon but not unheard of among Asgardians, Torunn possess the ability to fly.

Aesir: Torrun is fluent in English, and has some basic understanding of the language of the Norse Gods, not being on a fluent level, having not been raised in Asgard.

Weaknesses and flaws: Having not been raised on Asgard, like her siblings, Torunn

Character location/Home:
Alignment (villain, hero etc):
Relatives (living/dead?): Thor Odison (father), Sif (mother), Svalin Thorsdottir (sister), Aridis Thorsdottir (sister), Aslief Thorsdottir (half-sister), Halbjorn Thorson (half-brother), Skari Thorson (half-brother), two other half siblings, Odin (grandfather), Heimdall (uncle), Jord (Gaea) (grandmother), Atum (uncle), Vidar (uncle), Balder (uncle), Eisa (Aunt)
How do you plan to introduce the character to the game?:
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