§ha§ha ƒuиky §hake™'s Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
§ha§ha ƒuиky §hake™

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Wrap your arms around me [02 Feb 2008|12:38am]
[ mood | depressed ]

I hate sleeping alone now. I miss being able to sleep next to someone. Matt spoiled me with that. I haven't had that in so long then he came along and we would lay down in the same bed and talk till we both fell asleep and wake up spooning or cuddling haha fuck.

I like the warmth of someone's arms around me, their body pressed against mine or just knowing that someone is there..... it's comforting. Going to bed alone depresses me.

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Join Post Secret [02 Feb 2008|04:22pm]
[ mood | curious ]

It's a really neat anon community. it's a great way to let go on your inner demons and tell a secret to the world you have kept for too long and always wanted to tell someone but never did.
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[ viewing | February 2nd, 2008 ]
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