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§ha§ha ƒuиky §hake™

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Before i pass out... [18 Mar 2008|03:57am]
[ mood | tired ]

Tonight was fucking fun as hell. Lori aka O'Leery, Tabby aka Flannigan, Rudy aka O'baby McShady, Apollo Ohno Jr aka McNasty, Arthur aka Murphy, Vince aka O'Malley, Sean aka McAfee, Charlie aka O'Connor, Abernathy, McLovin, Cornish, McGinnis, McDougal, and so on were allll decked out in the GREENEST BS ever. Like we LITERALLY looked like fucking clowns but it was fun as hell. lots of people were in hats and had some green but no one outdid us lol they NEVER do. i can honestly say we were the crowds entertainment.

Everone was getting drunk, beating everyone up Irish fisticuffs style, playing pool, getting MORE drunk, etc but surprisingly I think because of drinking so much for 4 days b4 tonight, I was sober. I had 3 drinks and called it quits and we were there for 6 1/2 hours. I feel great!

EVERYONE we knew was there. EVERYONE in the city was there lol. I even saw Vince aka Brock Sampson aka O'Malley (tonight only) tonight. It was great cuz I really missed him. I love his humor. Rudy gave me the best Massage ever while we waited on Flannigan and McAfee to finish bullshitting around so we could dip. It was a great time.

My Irish name for the evening was O'Brian.

On a different note, Our Friend Pablo did this of me:
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He is a professional photographer for the military. This was only an edit, his photographs are phenominal.

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