§ha§ha ƒuиky §hake™'s Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
§ha§ha ƒuиky §hake™

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I could kill you. [23 Mar 2008|03:13am]
[ mood | cold ]

How the hell are you going to invite someone over at 2am, tell them you will leave the door open for them, make them stop what they are doing to come over so fucking late in the freezing cold in a car that has no heat, make them waste their time and gas to go to your fucking house, and the door is locked and you aren't answering your phone?

Nice. This is another reason why im gonna stop giving in.

This is what i get for giving you what you want YET again. Thanks you asshole.

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Peekz [23 Mar 2008|03:17am]
On another note, I have pictures :D I got my hair cut so the last set are of the cut. Also I only have a couple St.Patty's pics right now so the rest will be up soon....i think. In any case the camera quality and color is shitty and off balance so ignore the extreme color fuck.

Me and my Dreds )

Stripes and Polka dots )

Playing some pool )

Brief viewing of St. Patty's Day )

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[ viewing | March 23rd, 2008 ]
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