§ha§ha ƒuиky §hake™'s Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
§ha§ha ƒuиky §hake™

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Smile like you mean it [24 Apr 2008|09:09pm]
[ mood | determined ]

I am trying so hard to think and be positive about everything that is happening right now in my life and I have a couple of good friends to thank for this. Everything happens for a reason afterall right?

So I am excited about this weekend. finally got paid and am no longer broke which si a huge relief but i WILL be after the hotel is paid for and i get back home Sunday :D hooray!...in any case....should be fun. They are having Beer Olympics after the wedding WTF how awesome is that? LMFAO i just dont wanna be on a team with Kyle's brothers altho for some reason i think they are good at those kinds of games haha.

I have some reasonable goals I am going to aim for. i realized I work....and when im home i do nothing so I might as well find another job or try to get more hours or something and work harder, get a raise or SOMETHING to achieve these goals because without goals I have nothing to live for im just living and working for nothing.... Well, wish me luck!

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[ viewing | April 24th, 2008 ]
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