i don't care what you think - [[ #261 -- Well then. ]]

Aug. 18th, 2009

01:04 pm - [[ #261 -- Well then. ]]

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[User Picture]
Date:August 19th, 2009 01:02 am (UTC)
Also I promise to try to stop disabling comments on LJ rofl. And I read your LJ so yeah.
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[User Picture]
Date:August 19th, 2009 01:02 am (UTC)
Okay so I only did it once BUT STILL *feels guilty*
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Date:August 19th, 2009 01:03 am (UTC)
My LJ is like 80% obnoxious random shit so I don't expect comments, and I don't mind if people scroll past my entries either. But someone recently told me to open up more so I might be posting some more personal things.
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