i don't care what you think

Aug. 18th, 2009

01:04 pm - [[ #261 -- Well then. ]]

Okay, I'm going to be honest here - I see no point in updating this journal any more.

The site is so dead that I'll see maybe one entry on my friends list a day - even DREAMWIDTH has more than that. I never have anything to say here, unless there's a journal meme floating around.

I'm not going to delete my account or leave permanently, because I know some of you use this as your main journal. I'll still be checking my friends page, but it seems pointless to keep this journal active.

Most of you crosspost, so you'll see me on LJ. I also update my Dreamwidth occasionally, but it's mostly LJ.

I'll keep this public.

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Current Mood: [mood icon] blah
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