05 August 1980 @ 08:57 pm
Dirk loved his job, he did, but he loved Fridays even more. He still got to go in and work with the goblins (when they let him!), but he got to look forward to a nice quiet weekend of doing whatever he pleased. Lately it had been trying to get Derek to hang out with him, even though that usually just involved watching telly. It was something! Dirk was worried about his big cousin, especially now with the war getting so intense and--

He blinked curiously, as the shelves of his cubicle began to shake. Dirk's eyes twitched back and forth as he watched the pictures he had hanging drop to the floor, and the bust of Gorgak the Terrible started to inch forward and forward. And his desk was shaking, and now his chair, and Dirk was startled to his feet at the sound of someone screaming, "EARTHQUAKE!"

An earthquake! Oh hell, Dirk had just been thinking that some erumpents had escaped again! Earthquake! What was the first rule of an earthquake? These were NOT the things they taught you in Hogwarts! How was he supposed to survive an earthquake if he didn't have the proper training?! DEREK WOULD KNOW WHAT TO DO, THAT IS WHY DIRK WANTED TO REMAIN CLOSE TO HIM AND----

The bust of Gorgak the Terrible teetered off the shelf and smacked Dirk straight in the forehead, making him drop to the ground, and thankfully roll under his desk.

He really did love his job, he did.

ooc: http://www.scribbld.net/users/valesco_mods/32698.html
04 May 1979 @ 06:07 pm
[ Jude ]  
"She had me cleaning the floors yesterday. On my hands and knees, like a freaking maid, can you believe that? I was like, 'Belise, the wood floors don't even need cleaning, who in the world cares anyway?' and she was just like 'I care' and I mean, what kind of an answer is that? And she just walked away and I really thought about not doing it, but then---ugh anyway, the point is, it was ridiculous."

Through the long mirror Amaryllis half-watched her husband, half-watched the way the dress she was modeling fell on her hips, as she rambled off the events of the previous day. She was good at that, rambling, and it was probably a good thing that Jude didn't seem to mind it as much as other people did. Ever since she'd married into the Wickham family (well, sort of married into) she had walked herself straight into an ongoing hate-fest with Jude's first wife, who couldn't possibly be any more different in all respects. The two seemed to be at each other's throats over something or trying to push one another's buttons about every five minutes, and that usually elicited a lot of complaining to poor Jude.

Then again, it was probably the price you paid for having two wives.

Amaryllis frowned to herself and spun around to watch where Jude was casually lounging on one of the dressing room couches. "I don't know if I like this gold very much. What do you think? I could go back and get the green to try."