05 August 1980 @ 09:33 pm
"And you know what? There is not a sale worth going out in this heat, I'm serious!"

Javier grinned, putting up his hands in a defensive manner, "I'm sorry, but I don't need a pair of robes that badly, have you seen those temperatures? I'm surprised Fortescue's is still standing, would've thought they'd have melted awaaaaaay----whoa, what is---"

He gripped onto the desk, eyes widening as he rumbled and rolled away because the fucking building was shaking! Javier let out numerous words that were not politically correct to say on the wireless, and toppled out of his chair, busting his head on the floor. Strings of angry Spanish soared out of his mouth as he crawled up to his knees, and Javier grabbed the microphone.

Through the glass he saw that the other members of his staff were looking like they'd just been shot, and it took Javier a few good seconds to realize what the fuck happened, as another rumbling, rolling coursed through the studio. Javier dropped to the ground, covering his head with his hand as he shouted angrily into the microphone:


ooc: http://www.scribbld.net/users/valesco_mods/32947.html
28 April 1980 @ 11:41 pm
Who: Madeleine and Nick Hooke -- and bambini of course!
What: Discussion about a big decision!
Where: Their living room
When: Toooday

You're sure that your parents aren't going to change their minds at the last moment and then kill me in my sleep, hm? )
06 September 1979 @ 12:35 am
So...Nick was probably going to be mad.

But she did not know what to do! The man, the ministry official, he had knocked on the door and she'd answered it--fine, that was what happened when someone came to your house. But then he started asking for Nicholas, and when she told him he was not home, he did not believe her. So---so now he was in their living room, and---he was just standing there, right now, but Madeline did not know if he was doing some sort of magic or if he was...if he was...she did not know. All she knew was that she had taken up post in the doorway that led down to the nursery, where the babini were still sleeping. Thankfully.

"I have told you, he is not home," Madeleine said with an exhausted sigh, pacing in front of the hallway. The official scoffed and stood with his hands behind his back. She did not know if Nick had done something wrong or was in trouble or--he had not said there would be someone coming and---"I will tell him you came, I will take down a message--"

"That will not be necessary," he snapped, turning toward her with a fierce glare. Madeline's shoulders squared and she crossed her arms over her chest.

"No! You need to--go, I am not comfortable with this when my husband is not home--"

"Well, that's too bloody bad, muggle!"

"What is--muggle?"
13 April 1979 @ 03:56 pm
Niiiick? :]  
Today was important for two reasons. One, the bambinos were two months old. Madeleine could not believe it, no, she went almost nine months waiting to see their beautiful faces, and now they were laughing and smiling...it was just wonderful. Each had very distinct personalities already, and it was not just her motherly love for them, she was sure. Natalia was the quietest, very sensitive, Mina was surprisingly aggressive (a Slytherin? Madeleine thinks that is the right answer), and little Nicky was very, very loving. Madeleine had no problem in thinking her little boy was going to be a sweetheart, even if there were jokes about how tough he will have to be, to fight off the boys going after his sisters.

Of course, they'd have to have gotten through their father first...

That was the second reason today was important, though. It was their first anniversary of marriage, and Madeleine, again, could not believe it. The past year and a half...two years, the past two years had been very much a roller coaster, yes, but she loved every moment of it. Or---well, no, not the parts where she was apart from Nicholas, but---yes, the point was made.

She was something of an expert already, at putting the three to bed at the same time, and Madeleine made her way out to the living room, where her husband was resting in the big comfy chair. She grinned and didn't bother pulling another chair over, and simply straddled his waist, hands going to rest on Nick's shoulders. She knew he had been awfully stressed with Adamina and her husband, but there was a food delivery coming at any moment which would hopefully erase the thoughts (for now), and they would have a nice night.

Until one of the bambinos woke up, but that was okay. "How are you?" she asked softly.
07 April 1979 @ 08:31 pm
Nick >>  
He was going to be sick.

Tim hadn't moved from his spot in the waiting room of St. Mungo's intensive care unit in the last...it had to be an hour. Because---no, well, he couldn't really tell time at the moment. Adamina had collapsed right after dinner, and that was...when was that? Why didn't he have a watch? Why---why, why, that was all that was running through Tim's head, and his hands pressed harder into his face, elbows digging into his thighs. She had been fine, her fever had even gone down yesterday, and today they were joking and laughing and all of a sudden she was just---

The man didn't know what he'd do if she didn't get better, Tim didn't know how to live without Adamina, was the honest truth. All he could think about was how she'd really trusted that she was okay, that she didn't feel that horrible and in his gut he had known that she wasn't as sick as everyone had believed...the healers, the healers said her symptoms didn't sound like the virus that had been going around, but they had to take their precautions.

Fucking---he'd called Nick's house, mostly because Tim had left his journal at home (could you blame him?) and then he had never trusted an owl, so. His mum had always had a phone in their home to blend in, so he knew how to use it, but he'd talked to Madeleine, so he felt horrible that she had to relay the news, but what was he going to do? He had to tell Adamina's brother, it all just--it was all just too upsetting to really figure out, and he let out a shaky breath, ears listening intently at the nurses' whispers behind the counter.
13 February 1979 @ 12:40 am
Who: Nicholas & Madeleine Hooke
What: They are both in a lot of pain
Where: Muggle hospital