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[Aug. 2nd, 2010|09:24 pm]
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Casey Rycroft
What's that machine noise?
It's bytes and megachips for tea
Full Name: Casey Rycroft
Nickname: Case (At least that's his only accepted one. He has had others such as Tech-Kid, Crafty, and several not-amicable ones from school)
Age/Birthday: 16; January 22, 1995
Hometown: Peabody, MA
House & Year: Beauregard, 11th Year
Familiar: Fizgig, a Barred Owl.
Wand: 12" Sturdy Reed wood, Bowtruckle Bark core.
Patronus: His Patronus will be a Kestrel, when he is able to produce them. The Kestrel is a bird symbolizing creativity, intuition, and patience. It is a bird for those who are deep-thinkers, capable of working in the abstract, detail oriented, and who are both out-going and able to adapt well to change. Kestrel-folks are protective of their family, their possessions, and themselves. If they are crossed, they do not easily forgive nor easily forget.
Boggart: Living Dolls. Any doll that walks, talks, and gives off the idea that it has its own mind. The worst are only present in movies (such as Chucky and Puppet Master) as they literally do have their own minds, but even toys creep him out. You should see him when he passes the motion activated dolls on display for Halloween. Those porcelain dolls with the flip-up eyes are a killer.
Electives: Spell Theory, Arithmancy (Schedule)
Extracurricular Activies: Gaming Club

Religious Affiliation: Casey’s parents are both Roman Catholics, although neither really bother attending mass or any services. He was baptized the same though he was welcome to explore his own religion. As such, Casey really doesn’t have a religion. He believes in what he can see, hear, and touch, and that’s all he needs.
Alan Rycroft [Father/Wizard/Employed in the Muggle Relations office of the AAW]
Linda Turner-Rycroft [Mother/Witch/Employed as a Mediwitch]
Siblings: None
Extended Family: His father is also an only child, though his mother has an older sister. He has two cousins through her and both are within the same age range.
Sexuality: Straight.
Significant Others: Currently, none. To be honest, Casey hasn’t had any girlfriends despite the fact he’s tried to flirt. He’s just not that great at it.

It's that machine boys
With random access memory
Physical Description: If there’s one word to describe his appearance, it’s “cute”. His face is youthful and he sometimes is mistaken for being younger than he actually is. He doesn’t take much care with his dark brown hair, keeping it a little long and not bothering to style it often. A simple brush through in the morning is good enough for him. While Casey does go outside, he’s rather on the pale side. His most outstanding feature, as far as people have told him anyway, are his eyes. They are a light shade of blue which stands out in stark contrast to his dark hair. He’s not an incredibly tall kid, either, and will eventually cease growing at a shorter 5’9 and a slim frame.

All in all, Casey looks like your average 16 year-old. His wardrobe is pretty standard; t-shirts, jeans, sneakers, and the occasional button-down or sweater. He has no piercings or tattoos to speak of, and no significant scars other than the occasional wear and tear from childhood

What's in my pockets?: His essentials.
Likes: Video games, RPGs, taking things apart, putting things back together, when his inventions work, Dungeons & Dragons, computers, rock/alternative music (listening, not creating), horror movies, science fiction, girls, Red Bull (it gives you WINGS!), comic books
Dislikes: His inventions not working, people saying his creations are stupid, country & rap music, reality television, not being able to find his dice bag, being bored, being bullied, mean people, playing most sports though he doesn’t mind watching them
Strengths: Wandwork, Magical Craft, Transfiguration, inventing, Deadspace, multitasking, having a very steady hand, hand-eye coordination, creativity
Weaknesses: Girls (in almost every aspect), flirting, being large crowds, biology, herbology, curiosity, getting sucked into video games and not getting anything done
Strongest Subject: Magical Craft, Wandwork
Weakest Subject: Herbology
I can't live without: Video games

+ When he’s bored or stressed, Casey gets fidgety. He can’t sit still. He’ll drum his fingers on something, tap a pencil, tap his foot. Anything.
+ He dismantles meaningless objects. The entire base of his book bag is coated in small bits of stuff like parts of mechanical pencils, eraser bits, pen casings, etc.
+ Sometimes, his curiosity gets the better of him. He likes to know the reasons for things, how things (and sometimes people) work. He can sometimes be a little annoying for asking a lot of questions.
+ Gadgets. He loves them. He gets an allowance from his parents weekly and has always saved up for them. Digital camera, iPod, cell phone, gaming consoles, whatever. Sometimes he even makes his own. When they become outdated and if he can’t sell them for cash or trade them in to credit towards new ones, they get dismantled and turned into something else.

+ Casey’s first crowning achievement in terms of his knack for inventing was creating a very simple robot with some spare parts and the control to an old RC car and built inside an old plastic doll he found in someone’s trash. All it could do was turn its head and move its arms. One night, while sleeping, he could hear the mechanical hum of something moving. He awoke to find the doll moving, seemingly on it’s own. It horrified him to the point where he didn’t feel safe until it was destroyed and didn’t sleep for three nights. Really? The cat was standing on the controller that he left sitting on the floor.

+ Casey watches Mythbusters. Almost obsessively. It’s an amusing show, for one, but he likes seeing the things they come up with to try to prove and disprove the myths. Plus? He has a slight man-crush on their resident electronic and radio-control specialist Grant Imahara. Come on. He’s one of the small handful of people who have gotten to control R2-D2. What’s not to love? Well, other than Kari...

+ As he’s not very good with girls, Casey has never kissed anyone. He doesn’t really care to kiss a boy, and as much as he would have liked to, never got the chance to kiss a girl in any way other than a chaste and quick peck on the cheek. He can’t flirt well, and whenever he can manage it it’s never consciously. The one time he decided to ask a girl out he took so long to get up the nerve that he missed his chance. More often than not, Casey tends to land himself in the “Friend Zone”.

+ Crowds aren’t his strong point. He prefers keeping to smaller groups of people as he tends to become lost in larger groups and while he’s not socially inept, he’s no social butterfly either. He does attend parties but tends to stay on the outskirts. If there are other people there he knows, he’ll probably hang around them because they’re familiar.

Detailed Personality:
Casey is the child of a Beauregard and a Sonnier, and so naturally exhibits sides from both. The Beauregard in him, however, won out. He values his friends and loved ones above all else. While he has several acquaintances he only has a handful of close friends, and to those he will remain loyal and a constant companion. As expected, he takes it rather personally when one of his friends is hurt and if someone else is the cause? Heaven help them.

He is generally a friendly boy and tries to get along with everyone. Tries being the key word. He is will aware that there are just some people that don’t want to be friends or don’t like him, and if his friendly advances are brushed off he will simply move along. No harm, no foul. After having dealt with being bullied and teased while attending Muggle school, and even some in his earlier years at CCI, he doesn’t take to being insulted lightly. He’s got a back bone and will stand up for himself, even if he’ll most likely lose the battle.

While he’s an intelligent enough kid, he doesn’t fancy himself as smart as the Sonnier kids. There are several classes he does not do well in; he not only sometimes skips studying in favor of more entertaining pastimes, but also simply does not grasp certain things well. Generally, he has a logical mind. Creative and fun, yes, but when a problem or situation arises he finds a way to solve it logically and practically. He does, however, accept the more abstract ideas. In the words of Sherlock Holmes thanks to Doyle: “When you have eliminated all which is impossible, then whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth.”

He’s friendly, open-minded, and generous. If you’re a friend, Casey has your back. He enjoys having a good time, playing games of almost any sort, and has a curious streak. He’s creative and inventive, and open to ideas (and commissions if it is something he feels he can pull off). In general, Casey’s just a good kid.

Never worry never mind
Not for money not for gold
Once upon a time, a witch and a wizard fell in love, got married, and had children.

Casey’s life is, rather simply put: mundane. He was born in upstate New York and lived there a good majority of his life. His mother worked for a local Wizarding Hospital while his father had a job at the AAW in the Muggle Relations department. He had a fairly regular childhood, well, as far as regular childhoods could go when one is a growing wizard with a penchant for taking things apart and putting them back together again. Among other destructive and creative things.

When he was younger, Casey simply ended up destroying things. He’d manage to take them apart though didn’t know how to put them back together. As he grew older and gained more of an understanding over that sort of things, he started putting the items he destroyed back together. Shortly after, he started putting them back together but in his own way. Then he began deconstructing several things and mixing the parts to put back together to make new things. Of course, as smart as his parents were, they didn’t exactly know what these ‘things’ were. They turned out to mostly be a mish-mash of digital clocks, wind-up toys, and other such little knick-knacks with gears and mechanical parts. Still, some of them worked.

The older Casey got, the more creative his inventions became. They went from walking digital watch heads to locker alarms that screamed obscenities at anyone who managed to get his locker open when they didn’t have the magnetic key to prevent it from going off. It is at this point I should mention that Casey wasn’t exactly the most popular kid through his Muggle school life. To them, he was a kid with far too much time on his hands, one of those ‘gamer freaks’, and naturally he was smarter than many of them and that in itself made him a target for the bullies. Still, cleverness paid off and Casey always had the last laugh.

That was, anyway, until his parents relocated to Peabody the summer before he began attending the Lower Academy of CCI. Linda’s family was located in Boston and the health of her mother was failing. Her sister, a single mother, had two children of her own. Linda and Alan moved closer so that they could assist with the care of his grandmother. Casey had to start all over. The way he looked at it, he was transferring schools anyway. He did, however, miss the few close friends he practically grew up with.

Still, Casey was always good with change. He adapted to his new home rather well and continued on. The biggest upset of his life was when his grandmother died six months after they relocated to Peabody. He had never faced the concept of death before and for a while, he didn’t really know how to handle it. Having little to no friends at that point he simply delved into his studies and his inventions and continued on.

Casey did eventually warm up to some of his classmates and gained a few friends. He continued to create items, though much less than he did while he was home as now he had a roommate to consider, he kept to his studies as much as he could handle, and he enjoyed his free time either in the company of his friends (with or without dice) or in welcomed solitude with a PlayStation 3 controller in hand. Life, basically, continued on as normal.

Credits & Disclaimer

Disclaimer: I have no affiliation whatsoever with JK Rowling, Logan Lerman, Queen, or pretty much anything else I happen to mention in this journal. This is a fictional character played for fun. The character Casey, however, is mine.
Lyrics: Queen, "Machines (Or Back to Humans)"

Jackson Shea [[info]dungeonmaster] Beauregard 11

Jackson and Casey are pretty tight. You tend to get that way when you share a room with someone that is actually cool. Jackie is one of Casey's closest friends, and it's hard not to be when the guy puts up with Casey's general awkwardness.
Rowan Cabot [[info]cabotine] Sonnier 12

Rowan is one of Casey's closer friends. He has a habit of feeding her curiosity when it comes to his inventions and how mechanical things work. The two often speak of much nerdery.
Sol Garcia [[info]soleada] Beauregard 12

There isn't anything about Sunny that Casey doesn't like. If there's anyone that can cheer him up when he's in a bad mood, it's Sunny. Plus, they're a rather goofy pair.
Apple Evans [[info]meandmyuke] Rienzi 11

Apple & Casey are in the same grade and get along pretty well. Apple is one of Casey's calmer friends, and the two often hang out and be a little nerdy.
Meka Palakiko [[info]learntofly] Sonnier 11

Meka is a rather cool girl, in Casey's opinion. She's another one of a handful of people that Casey has no problem being a total geek with.
Ella Parry [[info]smella] Beauregard 12

Casey adores Ella... most of the time. She enjoys being outside and she's got more energy than he does, and she often tries to get him outside instead of being a hermit in his room.
Marianne Parker [[info]londonloves] Rienzi 12

Mari & Casey share a love of gaming, although he's much more far gone than she is. Still, they occasionally hang out and play games outside of gaming club.
Tatum Donnelly [[info]porcelinaofvast] Sonnier 12

Tatum is very good people in Casey's books. Fellow gamer, fellow comic book enthusiast, and pretty awesome to hang out with.
Hunter Sommer [[info]itsnotjessica] Rienzi 13

Hunter & Casey haven't known each other long, having met just randomly. Hunter seems like a pretty good person despite her party habits and Casey finds her interesting, if not just a little bit frightening too.
Sera Donnelly-Rosseau [[info]imperfectly] Sonnier 11

Casey met Sera through Tatum and the true became friends in their own right. She has a rather keen interest in his inventions and he's more than happy to be reduced to a nerd around her.
Leon Shaw [[info]mightbeclever] Sonnier 13

Leon is perhaps the only person in school Casey isn't on good terms with. Unfortunately, he doesn't clearly remember why. During a party early in the 2010 school year, he accidentally pissed Leon off. Such are the disadvantages of alcohol. They have actually had a somewhat civil interaction, lined with negativity as it was, and the situation with these two (or non-situation) is quite weird.
Bobby Eisley [[info]spiceitup] Sonnier 12

With Sam in common as a mutual friend, Casey and Bobby get along rather well. They have quite a lot in common, really, even down to being rather flustered by girls.
Vinnie Ciccarelli [[info]che_bel_viso] Beauregard 12

Vinnie is a cool kid and a good friend of Casey's. Vinnie has also taken it upon himself to teach Case the ways of the charmer.
Colby Ayers [[info]wantsthesky] Rienzi 11

Colby is not only one of his classmates, but she is also one of the few girls that Casey can seem to be able to talk to without stumbling over his words. She is also one of the ones willing to get him to get out more.