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Here are the userpics for [info]leftoverlife. Get notified when they upload a new one.
Keywords: come on skinny love
Keywords: just last the year
Keywords: pour a little salt
Keywords: we were never here
Keywords: my my my
Keywords: my my my my my
Keywords: staring at the sink of blood
Keywords: and crushed veneer
Keywords: I tell my love
Keywords: to wreck it all
Keywords: cut out all the ropes
Keywords: and let me fall
Keywords: right in the moment
Keywords: this order's tall
Keywords: and I told you to be patient
Keywords: and I told you to be fine
Keywords: and I told you to be balanced
Keywords: and I told you to be kind
Keywords: in the morning I'll be with you
Keywords: but it will be a different kind
Keywords: and I'll be holding all the tickets
Keywords: and you'll be owning all the fines

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