| Default Keywords: biting my tongue.
| |  | Keywords: are you stupid?
 | Keywords: well. this is rot.
| |  | |
 | Keywords: yeah. nice fucking try.
| |  | Keywords: oh. that's balls.
 | Keywords: this is such rubbish.
| |  | Keywords: i just have allergies!
 | Keywords: in hysterics!
| |  | Keywords: and you're a worthless human being!
 | Keywords: i might allow you to comfort me.
| |  | Keywords: i want to stop crying but i can't!
 | Keywords: how could you do this?
| |  | Keywords: everything alright over there?
 | Keywords: oh. alright then.
| |  | Keywords: completely fucking dazed.
 | Keywords: colour me intrigued.
| |  | Keywords: oh come on. that's so stupid.
 | Keywords: yeah but you should've expected it.
| |  | Keywords: oh come on!
 | Keywords: well this is concerning.
| |  | Keywords: don't say i didn't tell you so.
 | Keywords: this is total crap.
| |  | Keywords: and you're absolutely sure?
 | Keywords: a faint glimmer of hope?
| |  | Keywords: let down and hanging around.
 | Keywords: pointing out a flaw in your plan.
| |  | Keywords: i don't trust you thoroughly.
 | Keywords: sulking in the corner.
| |  | Keywords: that's so crazy it just might work.
 | Keywords: that...is actually quite brilliant!
| |  | Keywords: momentarily listening.
 | Keywords: you can't possibly be that stupid.
| |  | Keywords: even my fetus brother is smarter.
 | Keywords: this doesn't sound very good.
| |  | Keywords: look. i am conducting the physical conta
 | Keywords: do you want to talk about it?
| |  | Keywords: what's that supposed to mean?
 | Keywords: my curiosity. it is piqued.
| |  | Keywords: this calls for an investigation.
 | Keywords: somewhat alarmed.
| |  | Keywords: i am SERIOUSLY outraged!
 | Keywords: and then i'll smash your sodding face!
| |  | Keywords: open letter to the world: why must you s
 | Keywords: i resent that.
| |  | Keywords: allured by this plan of yours.
 | Keywords: i remain skeptically yours.
| |  | Keywords: that is just gasp-worthy.
 | Keywords: that lovey dovey kiss kiss.
| |  | Keywords: my girlyness. let is astound you.
 | Keywords: exhibiting patience.
| |  | Keywords: you can't possibly be serious.
 | Keywords: oh please! that's ridiculous!
| |  | Keywords: startled into curiosity.
 | Keywords: wait. that doesn't make sense.
| |  | Keywords: well. funny story actually.
 | Keywords: oh shit.
| |  | Keywords: something suspicious abounds.
 | Keywords: what are you up to?
| |  | Keywords: i assure you of my angelic innocence!
 | Keywords: oh do be reasonable.
| |  | Keywords: completely bored.
 | Keywords: oooh. not good.
| |  | Keywords: my wit. let it cut you.
 | Keywords: i laugh in your general direction.
| |  | Keywords: were you dropped on your head?
 | Keywords: the lady doth protest!
| |  | Keywords: hah. unbelievable!
 | Keywords: and why should i believe you?
| |  | Keywords: you're kidding. right? please?
 | Keywords: yet again i am the winnar.
| |  | Keywords: oh come on. you're being stupid.
 | Keywords: that's actually quite endearing.
| |  | Keywords: trying to take you seriously.
 | Keywords: a secret little smile.
| |  | Keywords: i don't want to talk about it.
 | Keywords: well wait a second.
| |  | Keywords: me? hurt? no.
 | Keywords: i need some more convincing.
| |  | Keywords: decidedly opinionated.
 | Keywords: oh snap. this is shocking.
| |  | Keywords: considering this.
 | Keywords: may or may not be guilty.
| |  | Keywords: a little embarassed.
 | Keywords: what was that?
| |  | |
 | | |  | Keywords: do you think that's clever?
 | Keywords: okay. so hypothetically.
| |  | Keywords: oh PUH-LEASE!
 | Keywords: not. talking. to. you.
| |  | Keywords: what was that? is someone talking?
 | Keywords: alright. maybe a little wrong.
| |  | Keywords: do you want to say that to my face?
 | Keywords: oh you! you're hilarious!
| |  | |
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 | Keywords: you can't possibly be so stupid.
| |  | Keywords: yes. and then pigs flew.
 | Keywords: you just might be onto something.
| |  | Keywords: what! shock! scoffing! indignant!
 | Keywords: so let me see if i have this right.
| |  | Keywords: well. i never looked at it that way.
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