| Default Keywords: Looking deep. into. your. soul. Yet... all he sees are kittens. A sea of kittens.
| | | Keywords: Laughter: good for the soul. Like chicken soup.
| Keywords: Smile for the camera. Now say 'youth'! Perfect!
| | | Keywords: I. um. You see. Funny story... ... that I'd rather not share. ; Eheh.
| Keywords: Odd and confident. But not oddly confident.
| | | Keywords: Big. Loving. Eyes. Like a puppy.
| Keywords: Here's lookin' at you. Baby. ♥
| | | Keywords: And they're off to the races! Yosh!
| Keywords: The freshmaker. Shiiiing.
| | | Keywords: Some fences to hop. Or, you know. Track hurdles.
| Keywords: I'm not laughing I swear. --pfffft ♥ Okaymaybealittle.
| | | Keywords: The sky's the limit. Nothings gonna stop me now.
| Keywords: Something going on here? Is it shenanigans?
| | | Keywords: Ohm nom nom YOUR FACE. Ish delishus. I -- I love drank. Ees nice.
| Keywords: Ain't I fancy. Suit and tie affair.
| | | Keywords: Health food! Health food! Rah rah rah! Healthy healthy healthy! Oi oi oi!
| Keywords: Hnnnngh? What's goin' on goiz?
| | | Keywords: Rather attractive. And delicious. A little bit of both.
| Keywords: Plain as it gets. Which is to say, this is my not-impressed face.
| | | Keywords: Look. I'm Neji: /stares at walls. /staaaares
| Keywords: Shoulderglance. I see you. <3
| | | Keywords: A moment of reflection. Not because of the window.
| Keywords: V for Victor Lee. [JENS A FREAKY STALKER]
| | | Keywords: Victollious. [STAAAALKER]
| Keywords: Wears his heart on his sleeve. [OH GOD STALKER]
| | | Keywords: A man in a suit. Fine indeed. [SHE'S WATCHING ME]
| Keywords: Pleased with this situation. [SHE'S WATCHING ME UPDATE]
| | | Keywords: Wet.. and. Mostly unclothed. [THIS IS SO WEIRD]
| Keywords: Biiiiig smiles. [HI JEN]
| | | Keywords: Hmm. Let me think this over. [ILU]
| Keywords: Got me some down time. [EVEN IF YOU ARE A STALKER]
| | | Keywords: Childlike. But in a good way. [S-STALKER]
| Keywords: Anything you can do... [I WONDER IF THATS A PROBLEM]
| | | Keywords: Something to think about. [OR. YOU KNOW.]
| Keywords: Close to lounging as it gets. [IS IT NORMAL TO YOU?]
| | | Keywords: Average smile. Still cute. [I DONT THINK ITS NORMAL TO ME]
| Keywords: Tradition has a way. [I MEAN IM NOT JUDGING YOU]
| | | Keywords: Kinks in the neck. It'll work out. [BUT STILL]
| Keywords: Creeper face? I don't even. [THIS IS KIND OF AWKWARD]
| | | Keywords: I'd prefer to be outside. [IM BEING STAAAAALKED]
| Keywords: A little down time. [WAIT WHATS THAT NOISE O SHI--]
| | |