07 March 2010 @ 11:28 pm
I'm just the man on the balcony. )

And the new theme did get posted, so please check it out here!!
Current Mood: relieved
05 March 2010 @ 11:03 pm
I just want to be better... )

Thanks everyone for submitting! [info]destructive should have your next theme up shortly! Also!!! There's a new icontest in town and they need members who are gonna participate! Please check out [info]all_icontest!
Current Mood: calm
27 February 2010 @ 01:11 am
Fall Out Boy - From Now On We Are Enemies
Lyrics. )

→ Please include the LYRICS used in your icon(s).
→ Include the image URL along with the series and character.
→ You may submit up to 3 icons.
→ Please use at least 2 consecutive words.
→ Fanart is allowed.
→ Icons are due to this screened post by Friday, March 5th at 11PM EST.
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Current Mood: rushed