Blue Ridge School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

October 31st, 2011


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Date: November 1st, 2011 08:01 pm (UTC)


Eden was hunched over on the outskirts of the wood and called Tatum over when she caught up, taking the vodka and swigging rapidly. Rooting through the bag, she passed Tatum a can of silly string and straightening up, revealing the toilet paper in her arms.

"I reckon we've got at least enough toilet paper to cover Quirank, those nerds are probably all in bed already!"
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Date: November 1st, 2011 08:08 pm (UTC)


Fumbling with the can a bit, Tatum squinted down at the label before looking up to see Eden's arms laden with rolls of toilet paper. She paled in the darkness, glancing over her shoulder in the direction of the party again.

They did stuff like this at home, but that was Maine, middle of nowhere. They could get expelled or something for vandalizing the school, couldn't they? Though she supposed if they got caught, when they found the amount of weed on her, toilet paper would be her last concern.

"Quirank?" Tatum echoed, brightening up a bit as she looked in that direction instead. "Fuck t-them, let's do it."

Blue Ridge School of Witchcraft and Wizardry