Blue Ridge School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

[Text to Hunter - Monday morning] @ 05:43 pm


Change of plans get over here like NOW. I have a brilliant idea. I think I might be even smarter as a boy.

Try not to tell too many people who you are on the way though.

(no subject) @ 08:39 pm


Characters: Sasha and Faith
Setting: Summer 2011, backdated yo
Rating: NSFW, cussin
Summary: Sasha makes a bad decision with Faith's help

Summer time had always been a weird time for Sasha. He knew other kids spent a lot of their break getting wasted and making bad decisions but that was not something he did too frequently. He did make the exception here and there though, especially when Faith was involved. So he had made plans to meet her at some stupid party near campus and get a little drunk. It was a terrible idea and he was sure he would get caught but he went anyways, waiting a little while to slip out of his window and take the Floo network back to Blue Ridge.

The party was in full swing by the time he got there and it didn't take much for him to start drinking. He was downing vodka like it was water. His cheeks were flushed with his drunkness and he had a the giggles, a sure sign that Sasha could be convinced into almost anything. It was then that he found Faith.

"Oh Faaaaaith," he said almost melodically when he found the blue haired girl. He couldn't fight the goofy grin or the little giggle that emitted when she looked at him.

Blue Ridge School of Witchcraft and Wizardry