Blue Ridge School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

February 12th, 2012

(no subject) @ 07:45 pm

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Date: February 27th, 2012 09:47 pm (UTC)
"Yeah, you bet! We'll have all that shit, babe.. yer gonna look gorgeous in your dress," she replied, smiling slowly at the thought. "Y'all really want that bitch givin' us away?" she grinned. "Like she owns me or somethin'!"

Summer wedding meant that it was coming much faster, it gave them a lot less time to talk about things especially with everything else they had going on, but Hunter wasn't put off. They'd pull it off somehow, even if she wasn't totally sure how they were going to pay for it all yet either. She'd figure it out.

"Gonna be the cutest," she agreed. "He won't be old enough to remember it, but y'know.. he's gonna be there. That's pretty damn cool. Us and our boo."
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Date: February 27th, 2012 10:09 pm (UTC)
She laughed. "She is the closest thing to a dad I ever had," she joked. "Yer gonna look gorgeous too," she said pressing a little kiss against the other girl's neck.

"I wouldn't have it any other way," she said patting her tummy gently. Summer wasn't terribly far away but it didn't really phase her. It had only been months since she found out that she was going to be giving birth. That was the bigger change in her life. There was no way she wouldn't be able to prepare a wedding by the end of summer.
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Date: February 27th, 2012 10:19 pm (UTC)
"Ain't gonna be nothin' beside you.. c'mon now," Hunter replied softly, closing her eyes as the younger girl kissed her neck, making her shiver a little.

Stepping back a little, she looked down at Michi seriously, smiling slowly. "We'll figure it all out. Get them bitches to give us a hand.. we'll sort it out.. leave it to me. I'll make sure everything comes off without a hitch."

It was sort of a big promise to make, but she had every intention of making it true. From everything with Monkey, to their wedding, she wasn't going to fuck up.
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Date: February 27th, 2012 10:41 pm (UTC)
"You're full of it," she flushed, smiling like an idiot. "Yer always beautiful."

"We got this," she took Hunter's hands in her own and smiled big. "Ser's wicked smart, she'll be able to help and Tate's got that band, they could totally play at our wedding!" she said brightly. "We're gonna be alright."

Blue Ridge School of Witchcraft and Wizardry