Blue Ridge School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

April 4th, 2012

Spring Fling @ 08:57 pm


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Date: April 12th, 2012 07:52 pm (UTC)


"The best time" Faith shot back with a smirk. "This song is great, isn't it?" She cocked her head before grabbing for the flask. "Don't give me that look, you'll be dancing when you've had enough to drink. With the Spring Princess or whatever the fuck it is."
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Date: April 12th, 2012 07:59 pm (UTC)


He almost growled at her comment about the song before taking a deep breath. "You know I do not like this trash they insist on calling music. Where is the Mozart? Where is the Bach? Or if you are insisting on modern, what about the Beatles or the Rolling Stones?" he questioned.

He grinned when she snatched the flask away though. "Dance with the what? What is this Spring Princess? Whoever it is, I would not like to dance with her. I will not be dancing at all tonight," he said stubbornly. He wasn't dancing... unless Faith said he was.
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Date: April 12th, 2012 08:03 pm (UTC)


Faith gave him an incredulous look. "The Beatles? That's what you call modern? They haven't been like, relevant in seventy years or something" she said, more to irritate him than anything else.

Faith smiled broadly. "You're such a spoil sport. You'll break the Spring Princess's heart!"
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Date: April 12th, 2012 08:15 pm (UTC)


"Seventy?! Seventy years Faith!!! And irrelevant? Really? The Beatles are music," he said incredulously. "That is just a ridiculous statement and you know it," then he said her smile and pouted.

"Why should I care about the Spring Princess and further... why should she care about my dancing with her?" she snatched the flask back and took a long drink before handing it over to Faith. "I will not dance."
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Date: April 15th, 2012 04:37 pm (UTC)


"Seventy, thirty, it's basically the same" Faith rolled her eyes. "You're ridiculous. You should stop living in the past! The Beatles were a bunch of hippies."

Faith smirked. "I'd love to see you twirling around the floor" she joked. "I pet you're a real Gene Kelly."
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Date: April 15th, 2012 04:53 pm (UTC)


"It is not!" he argued. "I am not the ridiculous party here," he said smirking. "There is nothing wrong with hippies so long as they are being productive members of society. The Beatles, for instance, were incredibly productive as hippies. Your friend Pear though, he is not a productive member of society," he teased.

"The only way in hell I would ever dance at one of these things is if you were out there dancing too," he challenged. He didn't think Faith would actually go out and start dancing, there was such a slim chance he was willing to take it.
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Date: April 15th, 2012 05:20 pm (UTC)


"You know his name is Apple" Faith sighed, not quite believing she was sticking up for that jerk off. She was about to say they weren't friends, but she supposed they actually were. Good friends, even? God, when had her life got that pathetic. Friends with hippies was the last straw.

"I don't dance" Faith snorted, crossing her arms firmly. "You can ask my sisters to dance, it'd be the same except I wouldn't experience the excruciating embarrassment first hand."
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Date: April 15th, 2012 05:49 pm (UTC)


He grinned. Of course he knew the jerk-wads name was Apple, he just liked to teased. "I also know that he is not in any way bettering the world."

"I do not dance either," he said firmly, almost as if proving a point. "So there is so little a reason we should be here. Let us go back to the room and watch a gory movie," he brightened. At the suggestion that he dance with Charity or Hope he made a face of disgust. "Why on Earth would I want to dance with Hope or Chastity? They would get make up all over me and it would be awkward. Really awkward," he wrinkled his nose in distaste.

Blue Ridge School of Witchcraft and Wizardry