Blue Ridge School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

June 2nd, 2012

(no subject) @ 06:30 pm

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Date: June 6th, 2012 01:51 am (UTC)
Charlie's neck snapped to the side as Michi hit her, her muscles straining from the sudden force. She could feel her jaw pop from it's hinges. Her jaw had been dislocated numerous times from quodpot injuries. Charlie was no stranger to the pain of popping a dislocated joint back in. This time, however, there was none of the usual pain. She turned her head back to Michi and popped it back in with a devilish smirk on her face.

"It'd be my pleasure," Charlie said. She shoved the other girl with an inhuman strength, hoping to send her across the room. As much as she had wanted to launch the girl through the wall, it wouldn't do to draw that much attention to herself. As it was, she had probably already overdone it.

"Fucking touch me again, and I'll rip you limb from limb." She said coldly, glaring at Michi.
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Date: June 14th, 2012 09:55 pm (UTC)
Michi went flying backward and landed hard on the ground. She was surprised at the strength that the other girl used against her. She forced herself up and flew straight at Charlie. "You ever fucking threaten me I'll do worse than tear you apart!" she was mid sentence when two thin but strong arms wrapped around her midsection and pulled her back. Sunny nearly tumbled over with the effort it took to hold the older girl back.

"Easy Mich! Easy!" Sunny tried to soothe her.

Michi fought back though, determined to punch Charlie again.

Rath was intercepting on the other end. He got in front of Charlie with his hands up, a white flag sort of approach. "Charlie, let's take a walk," he offered. "I think we all need some air."

Blue Ridge School of Witchcraft and Wizardry