Blue Ridge School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

June 8th, 2012

End of year dance and graduation @ 09:17 pm


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Date: June 14th, 2012 10:20 pm (UTC)


Michi had briefly wondered about Hunter's parents, they certainly wouldn't like the path that their daughter choose. Michi didn't care what anyone else thought though; she and Hunter knew that they were going to be fine, they had each other and they were happy.

"Lookit y'all," Michi beamed at the older girl. "A graduate, a parent, engaged. What the hell happened this year?" she asked giving her a playful kiss on the lips.
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Date: June 17th, 2012 03:40 pm (UTC)


"Crazy, right? I actually got my life together, what's that all 'bout?" Hunter laughed, brushing her nose against the other girl's as they kissed. "Gotta grow up pretty quick with the little guy," she agreed. Even if she hadn't been acting entirely grown up in the last week, getting into fights of her own and getting drunk just before Izzy had been born. But she had been trying her very best, for what it was worth, and now it was sort of paying off.

"I don't even got the lowest grades in my class," she grinned.
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Date: June 26th, 2012 07:31 pm (UTC)


"I don't know but I certainly feel like the luckiest bitch alive," she said nuzzling into Hunter. "Even if you did act like a damn fool last week... you was standing up for our boy," she smiled warmly. "No one messes with him, not with two mama bears around."

"Well I always told ya if you applied your damn self you would get better grades," she laughed. "Yer way smarter than you give yourself credit for babe."

Blue Ridge School of Witchcraft and Wizardry