Blue Ridge School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

June 19th, 2012

Blue Ridge Camping Trip @ 05:23 pm


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Date: June 20th, 2012 05:35 pm (UTC)


Sasha shouldn't have been surprised when she slapped him hard across the face but for some reason it still caught him off guard. Faith had never been a fan of public affection, what would make him think that had changed because he was drunk. It certainly didn't stop him from chasing after her into the woods.

"Faith! Wait!" he stumbled over himself as they crashed through the woods. He almost reached her when he tripped on a root and crashed to the ground. He fell hard and laid there for a few seconds. "Fuck," he grumbled from the dirt. "Faith I am sorry I just..." he couldn't even finish his sentence because he had no idea what he was trying to accomplish. "I am sorry," he grumbled, not even sure if she was still around to hear him. "I am a big ugly oaf with no social graces."
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Date: June 20th, 2012 05:50 pm (UTC)


When he had fallen she had stopped stomping and watched the sorry mess unfold. She made her way over to him, arms crossed over her chest tightly and looking down at him, tangled in the tree roots.

"You're a fucking idiot. But you're not ugly" she sniffed, coming out of the shadows to kneel by his head. "You're a stupid fuck" she reprimanded him, shoving his chest before ducking down and kissing him chastely on the lips. "Fuck you!" she yelled, confused, before kissing him again, this time more forcefully.

What a situation. She was mad at him, but he had finally made a move and stopped being a pussy about it. But he was drunk, so did it even count?
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Date: June 20th, 2012 06:06 pm (UTC)


He was relieved when she stooped down next to him and almost lost his breath when she kissed him. He forced himself off the ground into sitting position and pulled her into his lap, still kissing her. He should have kissed her sober, a grossly late realization.

He pulled his lips away from hers and pushed her hair behind her ears, framing her face with his big hands, "I am an idiot," he said nodding. "I have sat back for too long and now I am drunk and trying to kiss you," he shook his head and looked at her with his big brown eyes. "I suppose it is fitting that I mess this up too."

Blue Ridge School of Witchcraft and Wizardry