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Nara Shikamaru // 奈良・シカマル ([info]haecceity) wrote in [info]last_stretch,
He watched Ino's movements with careful consideration, before half-shutting his eyes, sliding down on the couch in one fluid motion. Yes, this would be a pain in the ass to deal with, but as much as he hated to admit it, Ino was still one of his close friends, much less a childhood friend. His parents took care of her just as if she was their own child, and vice versa. That was something he couldn't just ignore.

She was also his responsibility, being the oldest of the group at least in terms of mentality. That was how things were before, even if he didn't show his concern half the time.

In the end, it was much easier to take care of others under the guise of not caring. Shikamaru figured it out by instinct.

Taking a box of cigarette out of his pocket, he lit one up and took a drag, looking at nothing in particular.

"Four... three... two... one..."

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