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Monday, January 21st, 2008
9:35p - for better or for worse

How long has it been? Nearly a year, right? 24th of June. I was on my greatestjournal account, lunarpresitess, you remember? I doubt so. I'm weird, so I remember things like that. We first started dating when I admitted to having a crush on you. It was kinda sudden, and I hadn't expected it. But...
We had a rocky start. We had an achey-breaky. Then we had a rocky start again. ...and another achey-breaky. Then we hid from the world and kept things secret. Things that are secret always come to light, and now we don't have to hid it anymore.

You are a necessity in my life. The first waking thought I have is about you -- the last thought I have at night is about you. You're an amazing girl, you've stuck by me and loved me when I broke your heart. I've hurt you, but you came to back to me every time. If that isn't dedication, if that isn't love, then I have not the slightest clue what is.

The reason I'm on this Earth, the reason I was so comfortable with you from the get-go, the reason I begged you to forgive me each time, is you. Maybe it's silly. Maybe it's just a coincidence. ...But, somehow, I'm convinced that you're my fate -- why else would we born a month apart?

Liz, would you do me the honor of being my e-wife until I can propose in reality?,

current mood: hopeful
current music: resublimity | KOTOKO

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