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Kirley Duke wears more eyeliner than you ([info]specialk) wrote in [info]occultus,
'I need to get some food on the way home.' Kirley replied to Oliver's question; upset that he'd wandered off without thinking properly about what Orsino needed. Yes, the drummer was thrashing his drums when K had left the boat. But that didn't mean he could be out for hours. 'Cheese for the rats and stuff to make fajita's with for O.'

He'd seen the puppies' outside home and nodded at Oliver explained they'd be okay. 'Good, I wouldn't want them to be neglected.' Slipping his journal away into his jacket pocket, he twisted round in Oliver's grip, till he was tangled thigh to thigh with the taller Scot. 'Wags might pout if we move away from his for too long.' He tilted his head, green eyes searching Olly's for a long moment. 'I'd like to be closer to you; but I'd need to check with O.'

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