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Alicia Spinnet ([info]lickable) wrote in [info]occultus,
'I'm sure you'll get a mask by the end of the night if you ask for one, love.' Lici smiled at the younger blonde. Tiger-lily seemed to have a knack for getting things from people. A good trait to have when it came to drinks. 'Something to match I imagine,' she replied to Katie's question.

Squeezing Tigger's fingers lightly in return, she laughed as the sentence trailed off, though she couldn't blame the girl. Pretty was giving them a very nice view. 'Mmmm, delicious.' She grinned as the barman turned back, winking at him. 'We'll try and get you one for Christmas, Tiger.'

Smirking at the choice of drink, she leaned on the bar, letting some of the charmed vines from her costume creep along it. 'Make mine a multiple one and I'll love you forever.'

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