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tiger-lily ([info]tig) wrote in [info]occultus,
Tigger grinned at Alicia's comment, the younger Hufflepuff encouraged to go and get a mask later. She agreed with Alicia's answer, knowing that even though the Twins didn't seem to match exactly, they usually had a common theme to their outfits - particularly on costume nights.

"I don't need the Flash costume, just a bow on his head would do." She replied, a little bouncy again. Of course, Tig knew she wasn't Pretty's type but maybe someone like Pretty would be nice.

Tig giggled at the name of the drinks Katie picked. Funny names of drinks always made her laugh, even if she had heard them a million times before. At hearing what Lici was having Tiger-Lily decided she wanted that too. "Mine too please, Daniel." Tiger was always polite when asking for something.

While waiting for their drinks, Tiger's eyes looked over the crowd on the dance floor once more. She spotted her cousin in the DJ booth, knowing she'd have to go say hi later - he wouldn't be able to see her through all the people. Then again, Oz had a knack of being able to seek her out no matter how crowded a room. Must be super werewolf instincts or something.

"Here's to a wicked night, ladies," Tig toasted when Pretty gave them their drinks.

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