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ollypop ([info]ollypop) wrote in [info]occultus,
Oliver bit his bottom lip, shaking his head slightly when Fred blushed. "I'm sorry. I should have thought of that." Oliver continued the sentence in his mind, 'I never want to hurt you after last time.' Oliver shook his head ever so slightly to rid himself of the images that still occasionally plagued his mind. His thumb began tracing light circles where it rested on Fred's body.

"That's good." Oliver knew now he had misinterpreted what Fred had said before, but he couldn't take back what he had said now.

A form came to rest on Oliver's lips as he really didn't know how to respond to that. "Well... erm... I really don't know what to say. I don't know what you want me to say. What we have can't be explained, it just is. I enjoy falling asleep next to you, I know that." Oliver bit his bottom lip, not knowing how Fred would react to what he had said.

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