01 January 2011 @ 04:02 pm
Challenge; Provided Image
Your icons MUST use the image I've provided in some way. Here is your image.

Lyrical; Despistaos - Despues de Disimular (translation)

And at the end I grew tired of wanting you
After the fight on Sunday,
Of always living in the shadow
Of that person I could have been

And at the end, the truth is you don't understand me
Once again in the same place
I've grown tired of always apologizing so many times
And for the same reasons

I've never been so lost and this time...

This time I broke my reality
On the door of that bar
Where I went to forget you
And when I came back
After covering up
I broke myself in half
And I lost the best part

And at the end it's September again
Again a little after summer
Quite a few months have passed
And you're better without me

It's not a question of making yourself the fort
Nor failing to make the Indian*
I haven't ever had the intention of hurting you
But I've hurt you

I've never been so lost and this time...

This time I broke my reality
On the door of that bar
Where I went to forget you
And when I came back
After covering up
I broke myself in half
And I lost the best part

*Spanish Colloquialisms 101: fort VS Indian; it's not a question of being shut in/having a wall [around your heart] or of failing to infiltrate/invade that or something like that. We have racistweird sayings. I know.

Rules recap;
01. Icons must be under 40KB, gif, png, or jpg in format, 100x100px or less.
02. You can use fanart, but please link to either the original image or the artist's page.
03. Do not advertise your icons until the the voting for this submission week is over.
04. Icons must be made for this submission post and not be recycled.
05. If you use the lyrical theme, please use three consecutive words.
06. You may submit up to two (2) icons.

Icons are due to this screened post Friday, January 7th at 11PM EST If you have any questions, feel free to ask in the comments!

Submission format:
Current Mood: groggy
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