28 March 2010 @ 10:35 pm
Thanks for all the votes!






mod's choice:

[info]astro (I personally thought this one was the most creative interpretation of "mask.")

most creative:


Don't forget to check out the new theme right over here!!
Current Mood: pleased
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記憶したか?// Bad Person™: FMA Mwaha![info]kiokushitaka on March 29th, 2010 12:49 am (UTC)
(no subject) - [info]astro on March 29th, 2010 12:50 am (UTC)
記憶したか?// Bad Person™: MISC Chocolat Misu[info]kiokushitaka on March 29th, 2010 12:56 am (UTC)
Haha, I don't blame you. I usually whip up my icontest icons (a total of 7 different comms) in about two hours... and what takes me the longest is choosing the subjects! The icons themselves are made in like. 5 minutes tops, each. XD

I can't fathom it taking more than 10 min to make an icon.
(no subject) - [info]astro on March 29th, 2010 12:58 am (UTC)
記憶したか?// Bad Person™: YAMI orz[info]kiokushitaka on March 29th, 2010 01:03 am (UTC)
Wait, there were icontests on LJ that gave you PRIZES? Whyyyyy did I miss out on this? D:

Not that I'd ever have a chance on an LJ icontest...
(no subject) - [info]astro on March 29th, 2010 01:21 am (UTC)
記憶したか?// Bad Person™: ASSCRD Ezio rolling his eyes[info]kiokushitaka on March 29th, 2010 01:25 am (UTC)
I am now interested in this. Shit. What have you dooooone? I'll never win. Fffffff.

Also, ENJOY MY RANDOM COMMENT I LEFT YOU ON LJ. One of my friends was like INTRODUCE ME. I was like WAT. HOW.

Gooooood story.
(no subject) - [info]astro on March 29th, 2010 01:25 am (UTC)
記憶したか?// Bad Person™: FMA I'm in love[info]kiokushitaka on March 29th, 2010 01:27 am (UTC)
I'LL GIVE IT A SHOT. I'm all for more icontests. I just wish more people here did icons. :|
(no subject) - [info]astro on March 29th, 2010 01:31 am (UTC)
(no subject) - [info]astro on March 29th, 2010 01:35 am (UTC)
記憶したか?// Bad Person™: KAIBA FUUUUUUUUUU-[info]kiokushitaka on March 29th, 2010 01:36 am (UTC)
If you opened, I mean. I know I can't run a fourth icontest. >>;;;;
(no subject) - [info]astro on March 29th, 2010 01:37 am (UTC)
記憶したか?// Bad Person™: PZL So cute together[info]kiokushitaka on March 29th, 2010 01:35 am (UTC)
I would so be all over a 'fucking brutal' version of a LIMS comm, but I think most of the iconners here would take it way too seriously and may get butthurt if we opened one of those... but uh is it going to be animanga, videogames, or everything?
(no subject) - [info]astro on March 29th, 2010 01:36 am (UTC)
記憶したか?// Bad Person™: FRNCE GENTLENATIONS[info]kiokushitaka on March 29th, 2010 01:38 am (UTC)
I LIKE CHALLENGES but I'm apparently a rare breed.

Same here, but look at the admin, trying to shut down [info]flamecup and not even allowing it on his other journaling site(s). Like if you try to start a flamecup on deathnote you get banned or something to that effect, it's like DUDES. IT'S JUST WORDS. GET OVER IT.
(no subject) - [info]astro on March 29th, 2010 01:40 am (UTC)
記憶したか?// Bad Person™: PETE Tying tie[info]kiokushitaka on March 29th, 2010 01:43 am (UTC)
I like making fun of the anons. :D Or just being a general doucher to people who are dumb enough to get mad that their pics are being made fun of.

I mean one time I posted a pic of one of my costumes on /cgl/ and they tried to rip me a new asshole because it wasn't omg perfect but I just rolled with it. XD

But yeah jimmy totally hates it when people are bawwww mean to each other of something I don't know what the point is, you should let people vent their frustrations or, in the case of others, make fun of people just to get the rise out of them because INTERNETS IS SRS BSNS to them.
(no subject) - [info]astro on March 29th, 2010 01:44 am (UTC)
記憶したか?// Bad Person™: AXL It makes you wonder...[info]kiokushitaka on March 29th, 2010 01:46 am (UTC)
ROFL RIGHT? I was called a chink all through HS because the kids in my grade were too dumb to know what a Chinese person even LOOKED like.
(no subject) - [info]astro on March 29th, 2010 01:47 am (UTC)
記憶したか?// Bad Person™: PEONY My penis is THIS big![info]kiokushitaka on March 29th, 2010 01:49 am (UTC)
I made a custom layer and imported flexible squares, then used a premade layout by minty_peach @ LJ. :>
(no subject) - [info]astro on March 29th, 2010 01:50 am (UTC)
記憶したか?// Bad Person™: SPAIN Tomate![info]kiokushitaka on March 29th, 2010 01:51 am (UTC)
Are you friends with [info]confining? I got the codes from her, but I think it's on an f-locked entry.
(no subject) - [info]astro on March 29th, 2010 01:53 am (UTC)
記憶したか?// Bad Person™: MISC Xemnas is in the Mousketeers[info]kiokushitaka on March 29th, 2010 02:10 am (UTC)
Luckily for me she tweeted them and I fav'd that shit. Hold on.

Here is how to make a custom layer, that's public... http://www.scribbld.net/users/confining/2782.html

and here is the code for flexisquares I hope this link works...
(no subject) - [info]astro on March 29th, 2010 02:12 am (UTC)
(no subject) - [info]astro on March 29th, 2010 01:43 am (UTC)
記憶したか?// Bad Person™: ASSCRD Altair approved![info]kiokushitaka on March 29th, 2010 01:45 am (UTC)
Sounds good to me, but you always need another beer.
(no subject) - [info]astro on March 29th, 2010 01:46 am (UTC)
記憶したか?// Bad Person™: SPAIN Noms![info]kiokushitaka on March 29th, 2010 01:47 am (UTC)
I keep wanting to read it as animangavag. :| XD I wonder since the only people who make icons here pretty much make animanga/vg icons you might as well just call it LIMS..?
(no subject) - [info]astro on March 29th, 2010 01:49 am (UTC)
記憶したか?// Bad Person™: ASSCRD Altair *rolls around*[info]kiokushitaka on March 29th, 2010 01:50 am (UTC)
(no subject) - [info]astro on March 29th, 2010 01:51 am (UTC)
(no subject) - [info]astro on March 29th, 2010 01:52 am (UTC)
記憶したか?// Bad Person™: MISC Reject Christ receive Batman[info]kiokushitaka on March 29th, 2010 02:08 am (UTC)
AWWWRGH uh I have nothing.
(no subject) - [info]astro on March 29th, 2010 02:09 am (UTC)