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Victor Fox; Robber Bridegroom ([info]therobbergroom) wrote in [info]theblackforest,
The people in the village were far too nice for his liking, even though they gave him suspicious glances and frowned as he passed them. They simply didn't know what to do with him, they claimed. And even if they did, they went about it in the most annoyingly happy manner possible!

It just wasn't natural to be that happy, he decide. Particularly when trapped in an area that had no intention of letting anyone out any time soon. It was, he supposed, by he enjoyed visiting the less savory Handel's Tear's. If nothing else, he supposed, it was seedier and more prone to his sort.

Which was oddly comforting, even if you couldn't trust them for more than a split second.

Spotting a woman ahead of him, though, Victor licked his lips and started to trail after her. His stomach turned and groaned as his mind danced around fanciful ideas of boiled stews and sweet pies...

It had been too long, he decided. And who would notice someone like her had gone missing?

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