The Voyages of the USS Anubis - Forged in Flame - the beginning

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June 14th, 2009

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12:32 am - Forged in Flame - the beginning

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Date:June 14th, 2009 08:42 am (UTC)
Two days later, Kri'Stak was aboard a Klingon shuttle bound for one of Starfleet's galaxy-class ships. Despite the efforts of the sisters, and no doubt, their brother, it had every sign of being a good posting.
Still a day out, he received a transmission. The Crossed Swords had been blown up with all hands aboard. Initial investigation had revealed indications of sabotage, and a single shuttle had left before the explosion. It was thought to be heading for Romulan space. Because of the likelihood it was this Starfleet officer, his assignment had been changed - he was being re-routed to a border patrol ship where he would be near to where the apparent spy had been sent from, and was to remain there for the duration of the investigation. It might be a very, very long time.

The shuttle shook with the roar of a Klingon warrior. Someone would die for this. Possibly very soon.

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