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Geoffrey Gavin Brand ([info]gavins) wrote in [info]valesco,
Gavin had never been so proud of being Head Boy until now. Well, the late night patrolling (which he actually enjoyed when he didn't have any homework due the next day) and the assigning detentions were fun and all, but seeing the progress and plotting and hard work set in motion was the best part of all, in his opinion. Meredith had been a fun date, and they had been jiving really well for the past hour, well, until they lost each other. Gavin wasn't entirely sure how that happened, he had paused to say hi to a friend, or did she?

He pushed his mask a bit higher up the bridge of his nose - it kept slipping - and leaned against the punch table to try to search for Meredith. It was kind of vain, however, what with the all the masked people. His eyes stopped on a lone figure about a few yards away from him. Despite the mask, and the dress (WOW!), he recognize that girl anywhere. He started eagerly towards her, then stopped.

Things hadn't really been going smoothly between them, but then again, they were never smooth. He had always enjoyed talking and teasing Kobe, and she had always responded in kind with some sort of abuse, but never anything serious - until she bloody punched him! In the throat! That hurt! But then again... it was Halloween night, and a ball. And his mask! That ought to alleviate the pain of talking face-to-face, right? So to speak.

He strode over again, a new spring in his step. "You're not bored, are you? I hear this ball is really hopping." Oops, he had meant to make his voice all low and well, undetectable, but oh well. Maybe subconsciously, he wanted her to recognize who he was, after all.

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