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Holly Victoria Pennington ([info]notmistletoe) wrote in [info]valesco,
Holly was a teeny bit late. But, honestly, wasn't that the best way to show up to a party? That way you're not awkwardly standing around, waiting for the next person to come in so you can just jump on them because you're so desperately bored and, oh, bother, she'd shown up late and she felt like that anyway. She'd been standing near the entrance for six minutes and nothing had happened yet!

She clicked her little heels on the ground impatiently, but the room was loud enough that she couldn't hear the noise. Maybe she should go find Kobe? Hm! That seemed like a cop out. This was an opportunity to meet new, interesting people! People who weren't students. People who--

The punch bowl was probably the best place to head, Holly decided. Adjusting her mask slightly, he headed over to the most colorful bowl she could find.

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