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Brad Madley ([info]madley) wrote in [info]valesco,
@ 2008-11-23 22:12:00

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rp thread: brad and iris
WHO: Brad Madley and Iris Conway
WHAT: Quidditch watchin' and date...thing
WHERE: Hogwarts grounds!
RATING: MMMMPG-13 most likely. XD

Brad hummed to himself as he walked up the path to the castle, his hands stuffed in his coat pockets, pulling the front of his jacket together, because he'd been running a little bit late and needed to get up to the castle and just simply forgot to button it and it was far too chilly to button it in the cold now that his hands were in his pockets. Brad was pretty excited for quidditch, even though he'd never played (and was still ridiculously bad on a broom) because although it wasn't quite a Hogsmeade weekend, it was still an open weekend and he would get to see Iris. Who was currently waiting for him at the top of the steps leading into the castle. Brad quickened his pace and took the steps two at a time, landing just next to Iris with a grin on his face. "Good morning! How are you?" he greeted, leaning in and giving her a quick (and self-conscious) kiss on the lips.

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