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「ℐuliana → †ravers」 ([info]kiska) wrote in [info]valesco,
"No one knows," Juliana replied with a roll of her eyes. Honestly, just because she'd told her brother didn't mean she was about to shout from the rooftops that she'd fucked her cousin and was now carrying his inbred bastard child. For goodness' sake, she had some shame. Not much, and it was very rare that she exercised, it, but she did have it. "Except Christopher. He knows."

Of course he knew. She had only bitched him out over dinner a week or so after she'd found out about this interesting little development.

Sighing, she leaned against one of the walls of books and crossed her arms tightly over her chest. "Now will you let me curl up and down the rest of this alcohol over here?"

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