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Caden Flint ([info]silex) wrote in [info]valesco,
Caden honestly didn’t know where to go from here…

Everything had been working out fine…or, so he thought. No one except for their close friends and family knew about this baby, and that was good, wasn’t it? Reporters were ruthless, and if they found out about Estella being pregnant, he could just imagine the horrible things they’d say, or the rumors they’d spread that people would actually believe because they were idiots. That was what he was worried about, having Estella get stopped in the street by someone who had read something that wasn’t true at all, and then she’d get upset, and…

That was all he was trying to do, he thought he was doing the right thing, but now? Now he wasn’t sure of anything anymore, and it was all because of that horrid bitch who couldn’t keep her mouth shut. He hated her so much for telling everyone, but what he hated her for even more was making sense, and he just felt like a complete tool. He kept trying to remind himself that he was just trying to do what was best for Estella and the baby, but…was he really? Was hiding this news better than just telling everyone and getting it over with? What had he planned to do, if they managed to keep this secret until the baby was born? If Dolores Umbridge read that as him being ‘ashamed’, would everyone else? Would the press? Would his fans? Would he just look like a bigger brute? Would Estella start thinking that? Did she already?

Fuck, his head was hurting, trying to rationalize all of this…and what was worse was that he was trying to figure everything out while sitting in a hospital room with his wife, who had been so upset by all of this that she could hardly breath. He took her to Mungo’s, and the healer had examined her, and was off looking at the test results…and Caden was never good with hospitals; especially when he was there because of something like this.

When Estella finally made some noise, he looked up to glance over at her. He was currently slouched down in an uncomfortable chair, his elbow resting on the arm as his thumb brushed along his lower lip thoughtfully. His head turned towards her, and eventually he rose to his feet and made his way over to the side of her bed, slipping his hands into his pockets, because…well, he didn’t know if she’d even want him to touch her right now.

“…are you alright…?”

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