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e s t e l l a ([info]estellerina) wrote in [info]valesco,
She stiffened at the sound of footsteps, and her shoulders tightened when he spoke. Estella really didn't know what to think about anything right now, and her brain was yelling for Caden to get away from her, but her heart ached terribly in her chest. All her heart wanted was for him to hug her and hold her close and tell her everything was going to be fine.

It was so strange. They rarely even bickered while they were dating, and the media had been all over them during that time, and now that they were married? The media hadn't bugged them once, but they'd had the worst kind of fights imaginable. It scared her; maybe that meant something. Maybe it meant they weren't strong enough to survive all of this, maybe---just---she couldn't believe that.

"It's nothing, it's---" She winced again, and twisted to her back to try and sit up. She was a lot bigger at this point of the pregnancy than she had been with Jacob, "The baby's kicking me right in the side." Estella pressed her hand to the spot again, but then let it drop to the side. Their baby was just as stubborn as his or her father, it seemed

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