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B R I A N N A [ o'hara ] ([info]brianana) wrote in [info]valesco,
Just when she had thought she was done yelling, there Zach went again saying something utterly idiotic and setting her off again. Did he NEVER know when to not open his mouth and ask some stupid question? Could he not see that she was not in the mood for this sort of thing? That something was wrong, perchance? No no, she was only standing here gripping the counter to dear life and looking miserable, what kind of a sign was that?

"I swear to GOD!" Brianna shouted, effectively crushing the bag in a sudden tight fist. "Do I seriously LOOK like I wanted you over here urgently to help me pack sandwiches!?"

She didn't want to be yelling at him, but he was--! This was--! She didn't want to yell at a time like this, when she had something like this to tell him, but she couldn't help it! The littlest things were setting her off lately and it was like she lost total control of herself and just needed to choke something to get out the frustration.

Which was why she was staying on this side of the kitchen.

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