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B R I A N N A [ o'hara ] ([info]brianana) wrote in [info]valesco,
Why couldn't boys just develop psychic abilities already? It'd certainly make their relationship a lot more stable if he could just read her mind and figure it out on his own---not to mention make her life a whole lot easier at this point. She still hadn't figured out how she was supposed to go about phrasing things so as to avoid making him feel like they were in any more enormous shit than they were already actually in.

Uggh, she was just wanted to pull her hair out! This was impossible!

"I'm not TRYING to yell at you!" she replied... still yelling. "I'm just not---it's not---hormones, it's the hormones!" Brianna wondered if she looked yet like she was going to cry, because she felt about ready to at this point. "And if you walk out that door there's going to be a lot more yelling, so don't take a step because I will hex you in place!"

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