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zach ([info]zloper) wrote in [info]valesco,
Zach looked shocked at Brianna's outrage and was starting to get a little mad himself. Why was she angry? He wasn't running away or scared (he was sure that would come later) and she wanted him to...what? What did she want him to do? Flip out like she was? "I didn't say it would be easy! Did the word easy come out of my mouth? Just shut up for a second okay? You're freaking out and that's not going to help anything."

He rubbed his forehead for a moment and sighed. "Do you not want to? Have it. Because, that's up to you. But just, just keep in mind that I'm still standing here. Would I have picked right now to do all of this? No, considering I thought you wanted to have a sandwich ten minutes ago. I don't think it's some game of house but doesn't it mean anything that we've been together for two years and I'm still standing here as you freak out?"

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