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B R I A N N A [ o'hara ] ([info]brianana) wrote in [info]valesco,
She was pretty sure he had just told her to shut up. He'd told her to shut up, because.. why? Because she was being the rational one here? Because if he thought that the whole not freaking out at all thing made him a better boyfriend, he was wrong. Some situations called for freaking out, and he didn't have to freak out on the level that she was, but the fact that he was downright calm wasn't okay.

"You're here right now, but in nine months, will you still be here?" she challenged him. This was ridiculous. Brianna knew that there was no way that he realized everything that this meant. She loved him, but she knew Zach wasn't always the most mature person in the world. As far as he'd come, she was convinced that right now he had no idea what he was saying. "I'm glad that you're here, don't get me wrong, but when it gets into your head the magnitude of what's coming out of your mouth."

She ran a hand back through her hair for the millionth time in about five minutes and sighed heavily. "Just because we've been together two years, that doesn't mean---that's not the same thing as being married, as being ready for something like this. At least not with a snap of the finger. I'm not asking you to totally freak out, but be realistic Zach, the way you're acting right now is giving me just as little reassurance as you running away would."

She leaned against the opposite counter and crossed her arms over her chest, frowning across the room at him. "And don't even start on the 'don't want to have it' thing, because you should know full well I'm not going to do... that."

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