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B R I A N N A [ o'hara ] ([info]brianana) wrote in [info]valesco,
Just when she thought that he couldn't get her worked up any more, there he went again. She didn't even fight the urge to roll her eyes at the 'I'm not smart enough' comments, because---what was he, five? That's what a kid said to their parents to make them guilt them when they were being scolded. Which was yet another indicator that Zach was still more of a child himself than he believed he was. Not ready to have one.

She couldn't do this anymore. Brianna was pretty sure that she was going to end up screaming and pulling her hair out, and she was pretty sure that getting this worked up wasn't something pregnant women were supposed to do. Bloody hell, she needed to get away from him right now.

"You know what, we're not---later, we can talk about this later," she said, her hands going up into the air as if in defeat, before throwing one in the direction of the door. "Go to Italy. Just--go, because I can't do this with you any more tonight. I think a week away from each other is the best thing at the moment."

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