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Bertram Aubrey ([info]pantsoptional) wrote in [info]valesco,
Betram Aubrey definitely didn't care that Franzy was getting married. It wasn't like she was going to be happy with some skinny band-freak, anyway. She'd probably come back to him in a few months and he'd have to tell her off again.

But that didn't mean that he couldn't cause a scene. He'd set his daughter off with Zach and made sure that she was all settled in before he'd gone home to have a little ... self-made comfort. If that involved pornography and a bottle of firewhisky, who was really going to blame him?

Well, Franzy might blame him now, considering that he'd apparated starkers into the middle of the church. He'd meant to just appear outside and cause a bit of a stir with his bare arse when everyone came out, but since he'd drunkenly apparated he was just thankful that he still had all his important bits (at least as far as he and the rest of the guests could see).

He half-grinned at the nearest person through his alcohol-induced haze.

"Try not to stare, baby. I know my balls are huge."

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