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Franziska Dolohov ([info]frenzy_franzy) wrote in [info]valesco,
Franzy must be hearing things, because she just swore she heard Darwin say 'Oh fuck, I do right?' Really. It's okay. That's just Darwin. She rolled her eyes but kept the smile on her face. Typical. It was okay though. Everything else was perfect.

That is until it was her turn.

Just as she was about to say 'I do' there was a loud crack that interrupted her. Her head whipped around to see who was stupid enough to apparate right in the middle of her wedding.

Bertram Aubrey. She should have known.

And oh my---was he---he was not standing naked in the middle of the aisle. She blink once---twice---one more time. Nope he was still there. She opened her mouth to yell at him only to close it. What could she say to this. What the fuck did he think he was doing. She reached for her wand only to realize she didn't have it.

Normally brides didn't need their wand on their wedding day. So she couldn't hex him. So she'd settle for the next best thing. Hitting him. Everything was already ruined. Pictures already taken. There was definitely no pretending that just didn't happen.

So she stalked away from the alter towards him, throwing her bouquet at his face on her way, and once she was within striking distance she slapped him across the face. "What the fuck do you think you are doing?!"

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