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Bertram Aubrey ([info]pantsoptional) wrote in [info]valesco,
"I HAVE AN INVITATION!" He retorted rather loudly, taking the opportunity to back up several feet as Franzy stalked down the aisle. Oh, this was not working out the way he'd hoped it to (although really, he wasn't sure how he'd been expecting things to go).

When she slapped him he let out a rather dramatic yelp and straightened up enough to glance over his shoulder toward the door. Since she'd thrown the bouquet at him he took the opportunity to half-tie the thing around his waist. He figured that Franzy was going to at least want to yell at him for a few more minutes yet and his wang would undoubtedly derail her from any yelling and anger (and she'd probably leave her 'fiancee' over it).

"Sorry I'm late, but you know ... couldn't find the right suit. Ended up deciding on Birthday."

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